洞察力 2022年9月21日

The importance of 卫生 in the 工作场所

How clean is your 工作场所? Who is responsible for keeping it clean? And have you considered the implications of an unsanitary 工作场所?

Clean 工作场所s are often taken for granted, but it is a vital part of health 和 safety in a modern business. It’s also vital for the health 和 wellbeing of your workforce, the image of your br和 和 it keeps your business running smoothly.


Why is 卫生 so important in your 工作场所?

人们有权利在不被弄脏或生病的情况下工作. 不良的卫生习惯可能会导致员工请病假,并可能导致他们出现其他影响个人和职业生活的健康问题. An unhygienic 工作场所 can lead to low staffing, reduced productivity 和 morale 和, 在某些情况下, health 和 safety claims being made against your business.

2019冠状病毒病大流行凸显了保持工作场所清洁对员工安全的重要性. 虽然表面清洁仍然很重要,但在工作中提供清洁的通风气流也是必须的.

What does basic 工作场所 卫生 look like?

At the most basic level, 工作场所 environments should be kept clean, safe 和 sanitised for as long as is practically possible. This includes workspaces, 桌子, 电梯, 停车场, 公共区域, 食品相关领域, 厕所和浴室.

社交互动程度高的区域(如会议室或食堂)或有多个高流量接触点(包括主要入口或电梯), should be cleaned regularly. 深层清洁的, where a more thorough cleaning takes place, can be a vital part of a sanitisation regime.

Areas that have multiple high-traffic touchpoints should be cleaned regularly

Which areas of your 工作场所 require special attention?


Food h和ling areas 和 canteens

Areas where people eat, or where food is prepared, should be spotless. Bacteria can easily spread in these places, through food left out for long periods, or cross-contamination. Food-related illnesses can spread rapidly. In the case of canteens, 此外,法律也要求商家遵守严格的食品卫生条例.

Mitie已经 extensive expertise in food st和ards 和, wherever we are responsible for food 卫生, 我们的工作基于HACCP(危害分析和关键控制点)和COSHH(危害健康物质控制)的原则。, in line with current legislation 和 cleaning 和 manufacturing requirements.


厕所和浴室可能是最需要保持清洁的地方, but it’s surprising how often businesses fail in this matter. 肮脏的厕所可能是各种细菌的家园,如果员工不能正确洗手和擦干双手,这些细菌很容易在工作场所传播. 同样值得记住的是,不卫生的厕所可能会激怒员工,并对员工的整体士气产生重大负面影响.

在Mitie, 我们提供智能洗手间管理,以确定何时需要清洁以及哪些特定设施需要注意. 我们革命性的PIR(被动红外)传感器系统全天记录洗手间的使用情况和人流量,并触发向同事发送短信,将他们的注意力和资源引导到最需要的地方.

Alongside modern 科技nology such as sensors, 机器人清洁工可以在公共空间处理更多的日常任务,让专业清洁工有更多时间专注于其他领域.

重要的是要记住,一个安全和卫生的工作场所不仅仅意味着你能看到的明显的表面. 天花板、地板、通风管道、IT数据中心等都需要定期清洁.

What are the benefits of maintaining good 工作场所 卫生?

日复一日地保持工作场所的干净整洁似乎只是一种基本的良好习惯或礼貌. 但现实情况是,办公室卫生的好处可以在整个企业中广泛传播, 及以后.


Healthier, happier employees

员工 working in a cleaner environment are far less likely to get ill. This not only improves their overall wellbeing, 但也减少了疾病或缺席的风险,影响你的正常运作和生产力.

Pr事件 the spread of disease

流行后, 可以理解的是,员工对他们可能在工作场所感染的疾病更加警惕. 保持工作场所的清洁和安全可以最大限度地减少他们的风险,并使他们感到放心,他们可以安全地与一个重视他们健康的雇主一起工作.

Mitie已经 partnered with Luxibel, a global provider of UV Disinfection Systems, to introduce cutting-edge air cleansing UV 科技nology. The system is proven to eradicate 99.94% of airborne pathogens passing through the units 和 improve indoor air quality.

Lowers risk of 工作场所 injury

良好的工作场所清洁和卫生意味着不太可能发生泄漏或绊倒危险,从而导致员工或访客发生事故. This ensures that your employees are better protected from injury.


All of the above benefits can feed into significant cost savings, generated by increased productivity, reduced levels of illness 和 absence, 和 lower risk of paying out personal injury claims.

In 2021, 大流行期间, Mitie支持工作和养老金部(DWP)工作人员的安全和卫生需求,这些工作人员正在努力保持英国的运转. 我们招募了2人,增加500名全职清洁人员,为工作场所进行额外的接触点清洁和更定期的深度清洁. 我们还为工作人员提供了60万个口罩、20万副手套和50万瓶洗手液. Since the lifting of Covid restrictions, Mitie已经将接触点和业务照常清洁扩展到英国860座DWP面向公众的建筑物.


With a focus on excellence, innovation 和 assurance of quality, Mitie is one of the largest specialist cleaning providers in the UK, 有20多个,000 employees covering the country. 我们的 清洁 和 Hygiene Centre of Excellence, 在伯明翰, allows Mitie’s customers to test the latest cleaning products 和 innovations, 和 we even use virtual reality headsets for training.

Mitie在帮助公共和私营部门的企业保持最高标准的工作场所卫生方面拥有多年的经验. 我们了解工作场所卫生的重要性,并提供清洁澳博官方网站和技术,帮助您更清洁地工作, 安全高效. This is just one part of our ‘澳博官方网站科学’ delivery.

保持联系 with our friendly team today to discuss your specific requirements.

